Putting the Three Rules of TDD Into Practice
I've been thinking alot lately about how to practice better [https://robertgreiner.com/2010/11/practice-better/] at software development. One of the things I want to get really good at is unit testing. I think unit testing is vital to the success of a software project. Good unit
Fixing the "TypeInitializationException was unhandled" exception
I ran into this issue today so I thought I'd share. According to the docs [http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.typeinitializationexception.aspx] : > When a class initializer fails to initialize a type, a TypeInitializationException is created and passed a reference to the exception thrown by the
Practice Better
I read a few really great articles this week that completely changed my perspective on both the amount of time and effort I spend on practicing my craft as well as the methods I go about developing software from day to day. The first article I read was Being the
Using jQuery to Dynamically Disable and Enable an Element
There are a few situations where it might be benficial to disable input controls on a form. You can enable and disable elements on a page dynamically with jQuery by setting their attributes accordingly. Disable a Control An element can be disabled by using jQuery's attr() [http://api.
Using Stopwatches and Timers in .NET
Two problems that plague new programmers and seasoned professionals alike is the need to delay program execution and get an accurate time how long something takes to execute. Luckily, there are probably a few thousand ways to solve each problem. Unfortunately, most of them center around laziness (the bad kind)
Iterating Through a Dictionary in C#
A Dictionary [http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/xfhwa508.aspx] allows you to store items in a collection using a key/value paring. By storing your data this way, you get all of the functionality of a standard .NET Collection [http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.collections.generic.aspx]
Creating a Fluid Two-Column Layout With a Single Fixed Width Column
Ever wonder if you can create a fluid layout with a fixed witdh column? Well, you can! layout.html <html> <head> <title>Fixed Left Column</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="test.css" type="text/css"
Creating Algorithmic Art Using Processing
Algorithmic Art [http://wikipedia.org/algorithmic_art] - also known as Computational Art - is a form of expression that uses various algorithms and processing techniques to create visually aesthetic digital artwork in the form of still images, animations, and music. Processing [http://processing.org] is an open source programming
Sending Email in ASP .NET
I can't think of too many websites that don't send automated email. Unfortunately, for ASP .NET programmers, there are several incorrect and out-of-date code snippets online which try to explain how to send email. Here's the code I use on the contact form for
Getting Started With Git and TortoiseGit on Windows
Version control is essential to the success of any software project. It provides the ability for multiple developers to work on the same codebase simultaneously and allows projects to be versioned for release. However, a great deal of programmers fail to leverage the great benefits of version control for their