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Using Entity Framework Database Migrations to Update a Remote SQL Azure Database

I have been using .NET's Entity Framework Database Migrations [] and SQL Azure on one of my current development projects which has been working out quite nicely for me. However, I eventually got to the point in my

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Fixing the "One of the request inputs is out of range error" in Windows Azure

> One of the request inputs is out of range. (Microsoft.WindowsAzure.StorageClient.StorageClientException) I got this error today because I had illegal characters in my Windows Azure Table Storage account name. And, by illegal, I mean I used uppercase characters... This also applies to all Windows Azure Containers, Blobs,

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Using Github as a Syntax Highlighter for Your Blog or Website

> Gist [] is a simple way to share snippets and pastes with others. All gists are git repositories, so they are automatically versioned, forkable and usable as a git repository. A Gist is a snippet of code hosted by Github that has all of the benefits

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Intro to Ratcheting Presentation Slides

Here are a few Powerpoint slides we put together that attempts to introduce the concept of Ratcheting and incremental code improvement. We'd love some feedback if you have any to give. Enjoy. Code Quality and Tipster [//] from Robert Greiner [

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Continuous Code Improvement Using Ratcheting

I read a great article over the weekend dealing with the concept of (sorry, this website has been shut down) a legacy codebase in order to achieve the ultimate goal of quality code using incremental improvements over time. I must admit that reading this article was a bit of a

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Using LINQ to sum up a list of numbers

I don't really like foreach loops. They are difficult to read and easy to abuse. Let's say, for example that we want to sum up the following list of numbers: private int[] numberList = {1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32}; //sum = 63 Conventional programming wisdom says that

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How to get a temp directory in any OS with Ruby

I needed this over the weekend and the existing online help is less than helpful. As it turns out, just like with everything I try to do in Ruby, the solution is simple. require 'tmpdir' temp = Dir.tmpdir() puts temp #C:/Users/Robert/AppData/Local/Temp This is

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NumberText: Converting numbers into words in C#

I created a project over the weekend called NumberText [] which provides a ToText() method that will return the textual representation of an integer. Let's say that we have the number 1234567 and want to output one million two hundred thirty four thousand five

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Using a Content Delivery Network to host jQuery

A Content Delivery Network [] (CDN) is a system of computers that exist all over the world and cache files for users to access. CDNs can greatly reduce the load time of a page by offering files at a higher bandwidth from a

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How to Get Your Entire Work Item History in TFS

The more I use TFS [] at work the more I like it. However, with large development teams the sheer number of work items that are created over time can be staggering and searching through them to find a particular work item