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Working With Custom Time Strings in C#

Robert Greiner
Robert Greiner
1 min read

Let's say we need to process some external data where the format and contents of the files are out of our control. To make matters worse, what if those same external files store tiemstamps in a foreign format that DateTime.Parse() does not understand?
It would be ill-advised to keep the dates in string format due to the level of robust date processing capabilities present in .NET.
Luckily, .NET provides a nice way to create custom date formats so any date string can be easily converted into a DateTime object.

Now, we have the benefit of leveraging both custom timestamp values and .NET's built in DateTime Functionality.

Do you think this might be useful on your current project? Learn more about DateTime.ParseExact() here here.

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Professional optimist. I write a weekly newsletter for humans at the intersection of business, technology, leadership, and career growth.

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