Encourage Your Team to Take Time Off this Holiday Season
Next year is shaping up to be just as uncertain and stressful as the post-COVID years. Use December as an opportunity to encourage your team to take some much needed downtime this holiday season. As a leader, it's important to not only allow your team to take time

Leading Through Crisis
Earlier on in my career I was working alongside a team of really smart developers building an application that you have probably used at a company you have probably head of as one of the typical unicorns [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unicorn_(finance)]. Quarter after quarter we worked together,

Nine Lies About Work: Podcast Series Overview
Today the Wanna Grab Coffee? crew started a new series diving deep into The Nine Lies About Work - A Freethinking Leader’s Guide to the Real World by Marcus Buckingham and Ashley Goodall [https://www.audible.com/pd/Nine-Lies-About-Work-Audiobook/1469074087]. Buckingham and Goodall use their experience at Gallup as

2021 is 10% Over Already
In today’s episode we discuss how intentionality is the key to success. For starters, 10% of 2021 has already passed. As a collective, we constantly face so many distractions, achieving our goals all comes down to our ability to focus. The distractions that we faced last year are no

Interview: The One Broken Cog Podcast
> Pull up a comfortable chair and a calming drink and come spend a few minutes with Robert Greiner and me. I had the privilege of joining John and Brian on The One Broken Cog podcast to talk about careers, family, and transitioning into a leadership role. We got into

Design Thinking for Non-Designers
Today we discuss the core concepts behind Design Thinking and how you can apply them in a non-designer career. Components of Design Thinking * Human Centered – having empathy for the people you are designing products and services for * Integrative – looking at situations in a different way, thinking through the consequences of

PERMA-V: Positive Emotions and Savoring the Best Parts of Life
In today's episode Robert, Igor, and Charles dive deeper into the PERMA-V model of well-being by exploring "P" for Positive Emotions. We've talked about Gratitude on the podcast already which is a simple but powerful practice that increase positive emotions. Today we'll

Focus on Developing Your Strengths, Not Your Weaknesses
In today's episode we discuss why investing in your strengths is way better than focusing on your weaknesses for long term career success, and the one instance where that approach breaks down.

Off Topic Thursday: Apple Keynote Event Reflections
Igor and Robert nerd out on the recent Apple Keynote Event from October 13th 2020 and share their reflections about exceptional production value, new products, and Apple’s evolution as an organization.
PERMA-V: How to Flourish in Work and Life
We're back with another podcast episode. Today, we talk about positive psychology and the effects it can have on our ability to Flourish.