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The Evolution of Software Architecture

I came across this great overview of each software architecture trend since the 1990's. I remember fondly (and sometimes not) dealing with systems in each of these areas - each having their own array of benefits and challenges. > If you can’t feed a team with two

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The New DevOps

My first five years as a software engineer, I worked primarily with a particular programming language. I had some responsibilities around testing and deployment scripts, but mostly I just worked with code and code-related activities. The following five years have been much different - there are entire projects that would

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Fixing upload issues with Microsoft Office Upload Center.

> Sorry we couldn't open <FileName>.pptx My preferred way to work with Microsoft Office and SharePoint is to map a network drive to my client's SharePoint site and treat the files as if they were on my local drive. Microsoft actually does a

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Micro-Applications With AWS Lambda

At this year's Amazon Web Services re:Invent [] conference, AWS unveiled their second compute service - Lambda []. AWS Lambda is a PaaS-like service that runs discrete chunks of code in response to a given event - without needing to

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Presentation Slides: Internet of Things

Last weekend, I co-presented a talk [] on the Internet of Things at a company sponsored conference. According to the 2014 Gartner Hype Cycle [], IoT is at the very peak of "Inflated Expectations" -

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Distributed Computing, the CAP Theorem, and How to Improve System Architectures

Lots of companies - especially in the non-startup world - are starting to look closely at upgrading their legacy systems to the "next generation" - services, scalability, NoSQL, etc. Most of these systems have existed, in some form or fashion, for decades and are beginning to impede the

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CAP Theorem: Revisited

Note: Close to two months ago, I wrote a blog post explaining the CAP Theorem []. Since publishing, I've come to realize that my thinking on the subject was quite outdated and is no longer applicable to the real world. I've

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Cloud Scale Challenge

How do you get around 20 people to invest crazy amounts of personal time and energy into learning technologies that are important to know, but do not directly impact their day-to-day work lives? Turn it into a competition! Over the past several months, eight teams from the Pariveda Solutions [http:

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CAP Theorem: Explained

Note: This post is outdated. You can find the most up-to-date version here []. This post is outdated.  Please find the updated version here [].  I am intentionally leaving this article here so I do not disrupt other sites linking

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Assembly uses version X which has a higher version than referenced assembly error

> Assembly 'YYY, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' uses 'Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' which has a higher version than referenced assembly 'Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35&