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Cloud Benefits

I was having coffee with a non-technical friend last week, and we got on the topic of cloud computing. The extent of his knowledge of the cloud ended at online tools like and other services, like a-computer-hosted-at-a-location-other-than-my-work. Not too bad for a start. How the cloud really works.

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Cloud Price Wars

A few weeks ago, during Google Cloud Platform Live [], Google introduced a re-branded suite of cloud services at reduced prices - re-entering the cloud space as a major player. This was the first domino that ushered in an industry-wide reduction in cloud computing costs.

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Presentation Slides: An Introduction to Amazon Web Services

In a few short years, cloud computing has gone from being viewed as a luxury or fancy toy and emerged as an integral part of the near-term future of companies in every industry. Enterprises are no longer asking "why cloud?" but rather "how do I get started

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Windows Azure IaaS vs. PaaS vs. SaaS

I know a lot of people who talk about getting started with Azure but don't know where to begin. They think that Azure "is just Virtual Machines sitting in a data center somewhere". But, as you'll see, Azure has so much more to offer,

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Automated Testing for Websites using Selenium IDE

Automated functional testing is one of the most valuable tools your organization can implement. You get the benefit of having repeatable, fast running tests that do not require expensive humans to run them and are less error prone. I'm a big fan of anything that can be done

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AWS AppStream Lets You Build Complex Applications For Any Device

Building software applications over the past few decades has required developers to make a significant trade-off at the beginning of a project, even before any meaningful work has been completed. At one end of the pendulum, you focus on the best possible user experience. This requires your users to make

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The Cloud Helps You Focus On What Matters

I think one of the most important questions companies should ask before starting any project is: "Will doing X provide value to our customers or differentiate us in the marketplace?" If the answer is "no" then X shouldn't be done. Simple enough, right? There

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The Cloud is Driving Innovation Faster Than Ever

I've spent this week at the Amazon Web Services re:Invent [] conference listening to a wide range of companies share success stories around how cloud computing has transformed their business. Each of their stories, while unique, shares the same basic recipe: * Have an idea

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Amazon WorkSpaces: Your PC Now Lives in the Cloud

Amazon gave us another sneak peek into the future this morning when they announced the release of Amazon WorkSpaces [] during the AWS re:Invent conference keynote speech. AmazonWorkspaces is a workstation-as-a-service offering where you can provision a cloud-hosted "desktop" to use in all

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How to Write Text to a CloudBlockBlob in Windows Azure Blob Storage

I found myself wanting to write some text to Azure Blob Storage using the new Azure SDK 2.0 []. Things are a little different here, all of the stream methods from previous SDKs have been replaced by UploadFromStream(). This makes things cleaner in the